Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Response Omnivore’s Dilemma

Reading this book has opened my eyes to what really goes into my body. I never thought that my food decisions affected others and the environment. I learned thanks to this novel that most of our food is really not good for our bodies. Let’s start with vegetable and fruit. Framers now use tons of pesticides to keep bug and insects away from the fruits and vegetable. However, all those pesticides get into the fruit and stay, that portion of pesticide that can be washed off goes into our bodies when we consume the product, and at first it may not seem like it is causing any trouble but in the long run so many chemicals in our bodies affects our health greatly. Although, food is cheaper and now very convenient, health care is going through the roof.
Furthermore, after reading this book I now have some knowledge on what there is in the food I eat, and how important it is to know what is in it. Before, I would just eat anything and everything, but now that I know I can decide if that food is really food for my health and I have the knowledge to make a good decision about my eating. I was really shocked about how much corn is produced, and how many products contain corn. I cannot imagine how bad it would be for a person to allergic to corn, now that I know what is in my food ill be more conscious of what I eat.

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